If you are the owner of a company and you have some of your men applying for the post of COO, who would you choose if you had the following options?
- One who has been rumored to be a psychotic, has not done well in his years in the company, and looks like an idiot by the way he stands and walks? or
- One who has been accused a lot of times of using company funds for his own account, pretends to be poor to be pitied, and uses his mother to save his own ass? or
- One who just came out from jail?
The top candidates for the presidency don’t seem to be presidential at all? I really don’t get it why Filipinos still eat these guys’ crap. When we offer jobs, even just a janitorial job, we screen the applicants and make sure they at least have some qualifications for the job. And that is just a janitorial position. How come the presidency seems to have lost any semblance of significance that the guys who we put there can just apply without possessing any attribute of being a worthy president?
The problem is not really with the candidates. The problem is the voting public. Sad to admit, but it is not only the candidates who are stupid. The voters are.